Sunday, October 13, 2013

Newton's Second Law Resource

This video is from YouTube which was originally from Brightstorm, with a man who clearly and in simple terms, explains Newton's Second Law of Motion. You will quickly see the three properties included in Newton's 2nd law listed on the man's whiteboard and then he goes on to do an example which is pretty difficult but once he explains it, it is super easy to understand!
This video was super helpful when he just lists things out because 
1. I like lists
2. He did it quickly and it was to the point without having to use big words. 
He also includes the formula in there! Although it is f=ma, it is the same thing as saying a=f/m

Unfortunately, the video did not have embedding so I posted a picture of what to search up if you would like to find this video...but you can still see the three properties listed right there. 

Here is the link to the Youtube video:

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