Monday, January 27, 2014

UNIT 4: Blog Reflection

Unit four is based off of Hewitt's Conceptual Physics textbook: Chapter 8.

First, we covered distance and speed involved with circular motion.

Linear speed is the same thing as just saying speed. Speed is the distance traveled over a unit of time. When you travel a greater distance it means you are increasing your speed as well. Remember it like this: greater distance means greater speed.
Tangential Speed is the linear speed of an object moving along a circular path. This could be for example, a car or a merry go round. The direction of the object's motion is tangent to the circumference of the circle.
Then we learned about rotational speed also called angular speed. This is the calculation of the number of rotations an object does over a unit of time. The unit used in rotational speed is RPM (rotations per minute). When you have a greater RPM, it is faster in speed.

The sentence before this one, proves that tangential speed is directly proportional to rotational speed.

Furthermore, there are two different types of relationships between tangential and rotational motion.

  1. Same tangential, different rotational
    • ie: Gears
      • The rotational speeds are different because of the size of each gear and the tangential speeds are the same because they are traveling along the same number of knots because they are all connected and they are covering the same distance in the same amount of time.
Different Size Gears//all connected
    2. Same rotational speed, different tangential speed
    • ie: whips//train wheel design
      • The rotational speeds are the same but the tangential speeds are different because of the distance from the axis of rotation.
Secondly in this unit we covered Rotational Inertia//Conservation of Angular Momentum

Once again, we know that inertia is the property of an object to resist changes in motion. Inertia is measured in mass.
But moving forward, we have to know about rotational inertia. Rotational inertia depends on the distribution of mass and also the property of an object to resist changes in the spin. If there is more rotational inertia it is harder to spin, if there is less, it is easier to spin. 
In class, we did a demo with rulers and lead weights. On one ruler, we attached two lead weights to each end and on the other ruler we attached two lead wights really close to the center of the ruler. The ruler with the weights closer was much easier to spin therefore it has a small rotational inertia. The one with the weights on each end was much more difficult to spin, so it has a larger rotational inertia. 
The main question with rotational inertia is: How far is it from the axis of rotation?
Arms spread out: Far from axis
Arms closer together: Close to axis
Along with this lesson we learned about the conservation of angular momentum. Previously we learned about regular momentum and the formula for that was momentum before=momentum after. In this lesson, it is the same! Angular momentum before=angular momentum after.
The formula for angular momentum is: (rotational inertia)(rotational velocity)=(r.i)(r.v)

When there is bigger rotational inertia, the rotational velocity is smaller and vice versa.

Another thing we learned is about torque, not to be confused with the famous dance move twerk.
Torque is a force that causes rotation. Torque involves two different thing: force and a lever arm. This is how we get the formula for torque. Torque=force*lever arm
Torque on a balance. Where it says torque arm, replace with lever

Something that is super important about this concept is that the force and lever arm must be perpendicular; no exceptions.
The lever is basically the distance from the axis of rotation.
Base of support is the idea that if it wont fall there is no torque. In order for this to happen, we want a large base of support.

A concept following torque was center of gravity//mass
Center of gravity is when gravity acts on the center of mass. Gravity is also a force.
Center of mass is the idea that all objects have an average position of all their mass. This is what causes us to rotate and fall down.

The last lesson of this unit included centripetal//centrifugal force. In order to talk about this lesson we must review what inertia is again. To restate, it is the property of an object to resist changes in motion. Inertia is measured in mass.
Centripetal force is a center seeking force which is the only force acting on you.
Centrifugal force is a center-fleeing force which is fictional. it is not an actual force. What it really is, is a feeling that you are being pushed outward. Look at the image below to distinguish the two, but remember centrifugal is fictional so it doesn't really exist.

Examples of centripetal forces are: satellites that remain close to the Earth, washing machine holes, roller coasters, race cars on the race track etc.

The Difficulty
The only thing that was difficult about this unit is being forced to think that in the torque equation, we have to remember that there is a lever arm and not only the force. Also in the beginning the train question was pretty difficult to understand and to be honest, I just learned it today!
I overcame these difficulties by going to Ms. Lawrence during my free period and asking questions and telling her what I knew, which was super helpful. I think all I needed was some clarification. 

Effort, Learning, Problem Solving
Effort: in class, I feel like I participate enough to understand the concepts that we are learning and to possibly clarify for my peers as well. Homework wise, I stay on top of my work and have not missed one assignment since the semester started. In the one lab we've done so far, I was the one who worked past school hours in order to figure out the answer for my group. I've completed ever blog post and commented on Hunter's blog every time. 
Learning: I used to be kind of bad at verbalizing what I was thinking and the concepts we learned in physics. By going to Ms. Lawrence's class, I've learned to speak the lessons we've learned and also translate them to the paper. Thus, my self confidence has risen a lot because I feel like now I know what I'm saying and I'm not only putting it on the paper. My patience level definitely went up as well because I know that when I don't understand a concept, I will be able to understand in a matter of 24 hours by seeing Ms. Lawrence outside of class. 

My goal for the next unit is to keep doing the things I've been doing so far if they help me do well on the test that is coming up. 

Rotational inertia relates to my everyday life because I used to be a dancer and now I understand why my dance teacher would tell us to tuck our arms in in order to go faster. 
Centrifugal force relates to every day life when I ride roller-coasters at amusements parks during the summer..i'll be thinking about physics next time I ride one. 

Here is our podcast! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

...meter stick...

Goal: To find the mass of a meter stick and a 100 g lead weight.
A 100g lead weight, is one individual circle from the image above

Step #1 was basically a demonstration to learn how to balance a meter stick on a table. We attempted this three different times, each time was very different.

In our first demo, the meter stick was not balanced on the edge of the table, which meant it had a torque because torque is lever arm times the force. We got results that looked like this:

Image from Notes

In our second demonstration, the meter stick was now balanced at the edge of the table. We figured out that the edge of the table and the center of gravity related because the center of gravity was sitting right on the edge of the table. It looked just like this:
Image from Notes

And then there was demonstration C; we added a 100g lead mass to the ruler and we had to balance the forces so that we could see the clockwise and counterclockwise torque. That looked like this:
Image from Notes

Step #2 was the "planning" stage before we got to do anything. We wrote down our initial plans to solve the challenge. This was what we came up with:

  • w=mg
  • torque=force*lever arm
  • 100 g = 1 kg (this was for the lead weight)
  • We would use w=mg to get any weight of the objects and we use the torque formula when we are balancing the stick and trying to find the clockwise torque.
Step #3: the real deal
This was the part when we used step #2 in order to try out the plan to see if it would work.


Our first attempt was putting the meter stick (100cm) at the 50 centimeter mark and putting the 100 gram weight on it...if you try this, it immediately falls. It does not balance because the lead weight exerts such a large force on one side only. As you can see in the image below, someone had to catch it because it would not have balanced on its own. Therefore, it failed.


torque=force*lever arm
THIS IS WRONG. Calculations failed because we did not try to balance the meter stick at all.


Our second attempt involved us putting the measuring stick on the table and putting the lead weight on it and keep shifting it around until it balanced perfectly. This procedure worked. Below you will see what it looked like:

In the image above, the red arrow represents the force that gravity is putting on this object. The yellow lines show the lever arm of the ruler which you will see when you look own to the calculations. The black dot is only showing that that is the center of gravity.


torque=force*lever arm
**the way we got 22.7 was by subtracting 77.3 from 100 because that is the length of the lever arm from the meter stick
torque=22.25 Nm

This is not the final answer because we are trying to find the weight of the meter stick.

torque=force*lever arm
Divide by 28 on both sides.
F= .79
Now that we have the force of the other side, we need to figure out the weight

Divide by 9.8 on both sides
We must convert this back to grams and that gives us 81 grams. THIS IS THE WEIGHT OF THE RULER

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Resource: Twerk

This is a video that comes from the educational website, Brightstorm. This man does a good job of explaining what torque is and that it is a force that makes objects rotate, but what I found interesting was that he said on an axis..which is something we have not heard in class yet. 
This relates to physics because we are currently studying torque and this man reinforces most things we have learned.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Resource: Angular Momentum!

This video that I just saw is probably my favorite/most useful video of the whole year. You are about to see different examples of angular momentum that come from daily life. Also the man will explain how to find their momentum and he will talk about why the different examples must bring their arms and legs closer to the axis of rotation in order to go faster.
This relates to physics because we can see examples that are moving to prove that it is real. Also something he said that was helpful was that the acrobat had to bring in his arms and legs if he wanted to go 4 times as opposed to the other girl who only went 2 times around because her legs were straight. If you're having trouble with this concept, this video is probably really going to help you! Have fun!