Thursday, January 16, 2014

Resource: Twerk

This is a video that comes from the educational website, Brightstorm. This man does a good job of explaining what torque is and that it is a force that makes objects rotate, but what I found interesting was that he said on an axis..which is something we have not heard in class yet. 
This relates to physics because we are currently studying torque and this man reinforces most things we have learned.


  1. I like how this blog mentions something that we had not learned in class. Similar to my blog this blog says what the video does a good job explaining. Differing from my blog is how this blog mentions something that we had not learned in class. When you say something you found interesting, it gets a bit confusing when you say "that he said on an axis".

  2. This is a really good resource, something that I would recommend is maybe giving a brief definition of what torque is in the description that way the viewer has a viewable definition of the concept.
